This is a very good observation, and one we would fundamentally agree with at the chamber. In speaking to federal members of Parliament, and to the government in particular, we're always interested in making sure we share the message, so that even if it may not be the most intended target.... I think it's a collaborative effort that's going to be required here; there's no question about that.
If I put it in the big picture.... I started out talking a little bit today about the Agreement on Internal Trade. I did that for a very good reason: it's a very good framework document for getting a lot of things done at the “between governments” levels; let me put it that way. To be frank, I don't think there is a whole lot for the federal government to have to do today. I think the ball is really in the court of the provinces themselves.
The Council of the Federation has put in a significant work effort in the last two years, I would say, to address some of the issues, including chapter 7 on labour mobility, and understanding that within their own provincial boundaries the credentials issue will have to be solved.
We have a role to play in the business community. Of course, we're a federation as well at the Canadian Chamber: we have provincial chapters in every province and territory and we have local chambers. One thing we're trying to do is stay very close to our constituents within the provincial sphere to keep pushing hard on this message. What we encourage the federal government to do is create a new agency, and I think we saw in the most recent federal budget a desire for such an agency. I'm not quite sure how that agency would work; at this stage of the game we'll wait with great interest to hear more about it.