Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It is a pleasure for me to be here today.
Mr. Allison, thank you very much for this invitation to appear before the committee today.
My name is Shirley Seward, and I'm the CEO of the Canadian Labour and Business Centre. I'd like to introduce my colleague Clarence Lochhead, who is a senior researcher at CLBC, as we call ourselves.
The Canadian Labour and Business Centre is an independent national organization, which is a centre for business-labour dialogue and consensus building. Our multipartite board of directors includes voting members from the business and labour communities, as well as non-voting representatives from the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, and colleges and universities. Our co-chairs are Perrin Beatty, president and CEO of the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, and Ken Georgetti, president of the Canadian Labour Congress.
You have in front of you a list of members of the board of directors of the Canadian Labour and Business Centre.
The centre was established in 1984 and is the only pan-Canadian business and labour organization remaining in the country today. Its mission is to provide public policy advice on labour market skills and learning issues and to improve business and labour practices in Canada.
The CLBC has launched two major multi-stakeholder initiatives in the past year that I believe are of direct interest to this committee. The first is the Work and Learning Knowledge Centre, launched in September 2005, and funded by the Canadian Council on Learning. The Work and Learning Knowledge Centre involves over 100 organizations, including business, labour, education, private training providers, sector counsels, think tanks, and community training organizations.
Just to show you, Mr. Allison, how well you organized your witnesses today, my organization is the lead organization for the Work and Learning Knowledge Centre, and both the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and CPRN are members of our steering committee. I promise we didn't talk to each other in advance.
The knowledge centre has three objectives, all of which are related to your goals in looking at employability. The first is to improve the quantity and quality of work-related learning and training. The second is to improve access to work-related learning for particular groups, such as aboriginals, immigrants, and persons with disabilities. The third objective is to improve school-to-work and work-to-school transitions.
We know there is a wealth of knowledge in Canada about what can be done to make improvements in each of these areas, but it is not organized and is vastly underutilized. We need to do a much better job of getting the right information to the right people, in the right format and at the right time, so they can make better informed decisions about learning and training in the workplace.
CLBC's second new initiative is the Workplace Partners Panel, or WPP. This is a four-year project funded by the federal government. It was launched in October 2005. This initiative responds to labour and business concerns about the need for a collaborative approach to meet Canada's workplace skills and labour market needs. It is absolutely unique because it is not led by government or by a think tank; it is led by business leaders and labour leaders.
As part of the WPP initiative, we have carried out background research and conducted surveys of the business and labour communities and the general population. Most important, we have established regional task forces comprised of business and labour leaders. We are going across the country looking at these issues.
Our first two task forces are in the Atlantic provinces and Saskatchewan. The task force members--the business and labour leaders in Atlantic Canada and Saskatchewan--have heard from hundreds of people in a deliberative dialogue context. These people include those in business and labour but also, much more broadly, education, community groups, immigrants groups, aboriginal groups, and governments at all levels, including municipal.
Issues of employability have been at the forefront of our work. We have provided background material, en français et en anglais, that will let you know more about these initiatives and some of the topics we are covering.
These two brand new initiatives, which started last fall, haven't been in the field very long. However, because we have met with hundreds of people, and because business and labour are taking the lead, we have learned a number of lessons about the issue of employability as it plays out differently in different regions and provinces of the country. I would like to share this with you today as you begin your very important work on employability issues. There are six issues I would like to share.
First, I want to stress the critical importance of addressing employability issues, particularly in the context of skill shortage challenges facing Canada. Over the past 10 years, skill shortage has emerged as a priority concern not only among business leaders, but also among labour leaders and government senior management.
Business is worried about skill shortages for very practical reasons.They are experiencing them firsthand. CLBC's latest leadership survey, conducted last year, shows that six out of ten managers, both public and private, and two-thirds of labour leaders are currently experiencing or anticipating skill shortages within their companies or their organizations: six out of ten, and two-thirds in the case of labour.
These are statistics, and we believe, as I know you do, that you have to get into the field. Our Workplace Partners Panel regional task forces have confirmed these survey results. In each of the five dialogue events that we held in the Atlantic provinces and Saskatchewan so far, hundreds of participants described skill shortage as a serious problem and believed it would worsen over the next five years.
It would be a mistake to believe that skill shortages are simply minor irritations or anomalies that we can afford to ignore. Nor should they be considered short-term problems with easy, quick-fix solutions. Skill shortages are rooted in demographic terms: declining fertility and an aging population. Social and economic policies can no longer take it for granted that an increasing supply of labour, especially skilled labour, will be available. In this new Canada, we must do a better job of utilizing the human resources at our disposal, providing opportunities for full participation, and investing in the development of skills of our current workforce.
Second, we must be clear about what we mean when we use the terms “employability” or “employability issues”. Most definitions of employability begin and end with a description of the personal attributes and abilities of an individual. These personal attributes include essential skills such as literacy and numeracy, technical skills, job search, and entrepreneurial skills. But employability issues move far beyond a discussion of personal characteristics and must consider and involve the roles and responsibilities of the many labour market and learning stakeholders. These include business people who hire workers, educators and trainers who prepare workers for the workforce, immigrant organizations that help recent arrivals to integrate into the labour market, and unions that often offer language training and literacy programs.
One of the clear messages we have received through our work is the need for stronger coordination and collaboration among the various learning and labour market stakeholders. There is recognition, which you will be very pleased to hear, that government cannot solve all the problems on its own, that these issues are not going to be fixed by any one player. But people want their governments to play a more constructive and collaborative role.
One role for the federal government is to continue to build and sustain collaborative forums to ensure that the voices of business, labour, and other community stakeholders, who are active participants in finding solutions, are heard.
The federal government should also facilitate knowledge exchange and the sharing of innovative practices to employability, especially in those areas where the federal government has accumulated considerable expertise, such as immigration, aboriginal issues, and literacy. We understand that jurisdictional issues need to be considered. The challenge for the federal government is to find the appropriate role that will be constructive, collaborative, and supportive.
Third, the federal government needs to be very aware of the unique regional, provincial, and community circumstances that define employability issues and solutions. One size does not fit all.
Our WPP regional task forces have shown that while skill shortage is viewed as a serious problem right across the country, the factors giving rise to the problem can be remarkably different from one region to the next.
Some regions are experiencing shortages in the context of near-full employment, and Alberta comes to mind. Others are experiencing shortages in the context of more elevated levels of unemployment, such as parts of Quebec and Atlantic Canada. Some regions are losing large numbers of their youth and young adults to other parts of the country. Some regions receive a large number of immigrants; others receive just a trickle. In some regions, an increasingly large and youthful aboriginal population characterizes the labour force. We have learned that effective employability solutions at the regional, provincial, and community levels must reflect these very different circumstances.
Fourth, there is a great need for more and better labour market information. LMI is essential for students, parents, employers, and educators. Those making learning and labour market decisions to enhance their employability cannot do it in an information vacuum. Labour market information must be more accessible and organized in a user-friendly way. Understanding the evolving character of Canada's workforce is perhaps the real starting point for constructive decision-making, and given the very real regional differences in our labour force, this challenge is all the more difficult. Clearly the federal government can play a vital role in the collection and sharing of labour market information.
Fifth, the federal government has an important role to play in addressing what we call disconnects on employability issues. One example is literacy. As you know, four in ten Canadians have literacy skills below the desired threshold for coping with the rapidly changing skill demands of a knowledge-based economy.
However, according to CLBC's 2005 leadership survey, employers do not think low levels of literacy are a serious problem facing the economy. Employers place low priority on improving literacy and numeracy skills. The federal government has a role to play in promoting the awareness of these employability disconnects and showcasing the best practices that can make a constructive difference.
Sixth and finally, keeping the skills of Canada's employed labour force current is an important aspect of maintaining employability and continuing competitiveness. Sustaining and enhancing our workplace learning effort, including encouraging employers to invest in workplace training, is a critical dimension in a skills development and employability agenda.
A number of fiscal and other measures exist in Canada and elsewhere in the world, and these seek to strengthen workplace training efforts. The federal government should explore these mechanisms as part of its overall approach to employability.
In conclusion, the CLBC welcomes the initiative of the committee and the opportunity to work with you, not only today but in the future, as the two major initiatives we have recently launched bear more fruit. We are also delighted that the business and labour leaders from our regional task forces in Atlantic Canada and Saskatchewan will have an opportunity to present their own findings to your committee this fall. At that point, the Workplace Partners Panel will be active in Ontario and Manitoba, so we'd love to come back.
The skills and employability challenges in Canada are great, but not insurmountable. We are optimistic about the potential for solutions. This is because employability issues make sense for both social and economic reasons.
Employability issues, as we speak, are being discussed by business and labour leaders and other stakeholders in a constructive way in various parts of Canada. We look forward to continuing to meet with this committee as your work proceeds over the coming months.
Thank you very much.