We're still missing a few people, but we do have quorum, so we're going to start.
Pursuant to the order of reference of Tuesday, October 16, Bill C-265, An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act in regard to qualification for and entitlement to benefits, I want to welcome today Mr. Godin, the sponsor of the bill.
Thank you, sir, for being here.
We're going to commit the first hour to this. So perhaps, Mr. Godin, you would like to go with your statement. We have members who are going to be coming in, and we're going to be pretty much filled up here, hopefully very shortly.
Before we get started, however, all the members will find in front of them a request for budget. This is some housekeeping we need to take care of. We need a motion to pass that. This is to deal with this particular private member's bill we have before us. You'll see in front of you the potential cost for witnesses. Keep in mind that whatever money is not used will be returned to the envelope, so this is just the highest-case scenario. Because we have some local witnesses, there may not be much cost at all, but we do need to present a budget.
If I could have someone move a motion for that, then we can have some consensus on the budget.