Some of the employers we've heard from are businesses. They didn't realize that if you just turn around and you take a community.... I'm talking about a community working at seasonal work. There's nothing you can do about it.
Baie des Chaleurs, like it or not, freezes, and you don't catch lobster underneath the ice. They found out that when the people were laid off and not getting their employment insurance, they couldn't buy the cars that the businesses were selling. Car sales went right down. Business when right down.
On Friday, when the guy received his pay on Wednesday.... On Wednesday, do you know who was getting it? It was all the business people, the banks and the business people. But they noticed that when the change in employment insurance happens without a change in economic development, instead of putting more people to work, the target becomes the businesses. They said, “Hey, they don't come to my store anymore. They just get what their needs are.” They needed some food. So that's what happened.
The Chamber of Commerce said, “Did you talk to the businesses?” We invited the Chamber of Commerce of P.E.I., and they disagree with the big Chamber of Commerce of Canada here in Ottawa. They said no, they're not seeing the reality of seasonal work that they have.
I don't know what type of business you have. I'm not going to challenge the type of business you have, but I've never seen a person getting well paid who wanted to be on EI in the winter and listening to the television and Oprah. People want to work. I have more trust in Canadians than that.