I think the fact is that, first of all, the 360 hours is very important so all women all across this country have the access, because again we go back to how long it takes women to accumulate that time in temporary, part-time, and casual types of jobs. So the 360 hours in terms of access is critical to every woman, no matter whether she lives in a high-unemployment or a low-unemployment area. That is number one.
The question of the best 12 weeks is very important because, again, if it is the most recent 12 weeks, those can sometimes be your worst 12 weeks.
If you look at the paper we presented and the information we're going to have up on our website on EI around women's economic equality, we're looking at the difference in how benefits are paid out: $291 to $351 per week is the difference between women and men. That's absolutely critical.
I guess the whole thing is that we know the EI system has to be modernized. It has to take a look at the kinds of jobs we're in. We need to be able to do that, but we need the access first.
There is no point in improving all the other stuff if people can't get in the door.