So you are supporting the main push of this bill, which is the 360, but you don't have a problem with there being variable entrance requirements for the duration. Thank you. I wanted a clarification on that.
I was very interested in some of the points that were made. I come from a business background, in the lodging and food service industry, as Mr. Godin knows--I explained that before when he was in front of the committee--so I understand many of the challenges. Also, from an investment side, I was very interested in some of the points that Mr. Cirtwill had.
Maybe you could expand a bit, Mr. Cirtwill, on this concept of a disincentive to work, and also how it is causing less likelihood of business investment.These are pretty important things. I come from the viewpoint that if the jobs are there on a year-round basis, people would rather work.
I was quite offended when I heard you talking about people from certain parts of the country being lazy, because my experience from the people who have worked in my business is that they want to work. I know when money is available that business owners invest in their companies and put people to work, and then they don't need to access these services.
I have one more point. In my area, there have been some layoffs in the manufacturing sector. I am very interested in hearing a bit more about how those who have been working for a long time could quite possibly get the better benefits, because those are the people who are having a tougher time transitioning back into the workforce.
Those are a few questions that I've thrown in. If others want to get in on some of those questions as well, I'd be happy to hear from them.