The rules as they existed last year were rules that those of us who were on the HRDC committee inherited after we came on at Christmastime. Presumably they worked before that. I didn't hear a lot of complaints last year from members who were on the committee that they weren't getting enough time, when I was on this committee.
These are rules that have been in place. We feel that this is a committee that's worked. We've all heard about the dirty tricks the government was bringing in—the manual. We've never seen evidence of this here. I've spoken in the House about this committee and how it actually works, and I have a high regard for my colleagues from the Bloc and the NDP as I have for those from the government side.
These are rules we've inherited that have worked. I would listen to some proposed amendment, but I would have to suggest, while giving it some consideration, that the most important thing for this committee is that we have a system that works, that reflects the views of the members of the committee, and that can get work done. I've seen work done at this committee under these rules. If somebody else has a better proposition, then....
I don't like the one that was presented to us; I prefer the one that exists.