That segues nicely into my next question for you.
We heard a witness last Thursday who talked about purchasing power. There's been a lot of talk and comparison regarding what's happening in Europe and what's happened in the States. The witness we heard last Thursday--I think it was someone from Stats Canada, or they might have been from HRSDC--was talking about purchasing power.
When measuring purchasing power in the U.S. or Canada versus in the European countries, a lot of people point to the Nordic countries particularly. When you point specifically at the tenth percentile--the place where 10% of the population is poorer and 90% is richer, a relatively low-income percentile--our purchasing power here in Canada is actually higher than in the European countries. Purchasing power in the States is actually higher than in those Nordic countries that so many people point to.
Can you comment on your research on that, what you would know about that?