I'll start with two short cautionary notes on the whole business of measurement.
One is that probably the most cost-effective way of dramatically reducing absolute poverty in Canada is to just move your poverty line down. That would change things dramatically, and of course there are a lot of politics around that. You can also spend an inordinate amount of time debating which measure is appropriate. If you put two people in a room together and tell them to come up with a hundred different indicators, they'll do it gladly. It's always very easy to come up with a hundred new ways of measuring things, and there are also intense politics around where you put that famous line.
Having said that, I find one of the appealing things about working with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities is that you don't need to come up with a single measure. Each of these municipalities, at some level, is grappling with its own reality. Social exclusion has been part of municipal mandates for some time, certainly for as long as I've been working with this project, so when you look at this list of indicators, civic engagement--that is, how much people are involved in their community--is one of the indicators we're looking at. It can even be voting patterns.
I mentioned we are going to be putting together a report on immigration. There's a lot of social inclusion and exclusion in Canada around the theme of immigration, particularly in Canadian cities. What you don't see in this version, because it's 2004, is a set of indicators around recreation.
That list was put together by a group of kids; I was doing my municipal checklist as you were talking, and it's getting involved in swimming programs and getting involved in a whole range of recreation programs. The capacity for municipalities to keep those programs affordable is a very important part of social exclusion and inclusion, and that language is used; if you go to some municipal websites, they use “social inclusion” and “social exclusion”.
Now that I've given my cautionary notes about measurements, I'll say it is important not to talk only in terms of income. There is much more than simple income poverty going on when you're talking about poverty, and it is happening; that measurement is taking place in Canada.