Certainly there is a high percentage of people who rely on food banks, who are regular clients or regular customers. There is no question. However, increasingly we are seeing people who are using the food bank only periodically. And in many cases these are seniors. They're working poor, people who hold down a job or may hold down two jobs, but at minimum wage. You do the math, and you know you simply can't support your family and household on that income on an ongoing basis. So periodically they come to the food bank when they are unable to provide for their families, maybe due to an emergency that has come up, or it may be that the car has broken down, or there may be some other thing that impedes their ability to purchase food.
Certainly there is a high percentage of people who have become somewhat dependent on food banks for a portion of their food supply. Recognizing, of course, that no food bank anywhere in the country is able to supply 100% of anybody's food needs, we are only an emergency food supply.