Thank you very much.
I just want to go back for a second to the whole housing issue and the fact that as we move into our study on poverty, and as I listen to groups that have been working with those who have been living in poverty for years in this country, the biggest and first request is for more money for housing and affordable housing. If Stats Canada indicates later this week that this growing gap between the rich and the poor is driving the price of housing up and out of the ordinary Canadian's reach, then we really have to step up to the plate and do something.
I know organizations have come forward, such as the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, to indicate that for them the first priority is more housing. We're now seeing the deterioration and, in some instances, the destruction of some of the affordable housing that we built in the 1970s, 1980s, and early 1990s, with no money to replace it. A lot of that is becoming gentrified. It's becoming high-end condos, and we have a growing difficulty.
You do have a vehicle that you could use. I heard the question and the answer to “What's Ontario doing with the federal money?” That's a frustration for all of us who want to see that money flowing. But you do have the co-op housing sector that you could use very effectively, and it has been used in the past. You could put money in and have it flow through to develop some very creative, unique, and I think very effective housing for all kinds of people with low to modest incomes.
In line with that, there has been some focus lately, by you and others, on this experiment in Portland, Oregon, of rent supplements for homelessness. There was a CBC documentary and a connection to Victoria, where they have a huge problem, where in fact this question of the affordability of housing is paramount, where hotels have switched to residences. Portland apparently benefited from a national program with substantial federal money invested. I heard on that report a Victoria councillor lamenting that Ottawa has not recognized and in fact isn't giving the national leadership that's required there.
You've been to Portland. You, from what I understand, are saying it's not something that the Canadian government sees as doable or within your purview. Could you maybe talk to us a little bit about that?