The federal government stepped up with a lot of money in the last couple of years to support affordable housing. We know that about 40% of the funding allocated to Ontario under the affordable housing initiative hasn't been used yet. As I said in answer to an earlier question, it's one of the reasons I think we have to have a look at whatever form future support for housing takes, because we want to make sure the money is spent to help vulnerable people. That's the whole point.
The other point I would make is that in some cases we offer cost-shared programming, like the residential rehabilitation assistance program. Some provinces don't participate in it, and Ontario is one of them. We have to make sure when we offer programming that we do so in a way to ensure that we leverage support from all our partners, because the point is to serve vulnerable Canadians. If you can't leverage that support, then you're not getting the best value you can get for the people who need the help the most.
I appreciate that everyone has ideas and helpful criticism on how we can deal with these things, but if you're going to criticize, I think it's incumbent upon you to make sure you step up to the plate and provide the support you should be providing from your level of government as well.