Good morning. I am Louis Beauséjour, the new Director General of Employment Insurance Policy. Four weeks ago, I replaced Bill James, who has now taken up new duties.
With me is Ms. Sherry Harrison who is the Director General responsible for the implementation of the proposed Canada Employment Insurance Financing Board. Also with me from Social Policy at the Department of Finance are Mr. Yves Giroux and Ms. Tamara Miller.
I would first like to thank you for the opportunity to discuss the Canada Employment Insurance Financing Board (CEIFB). As you are aware, in budget 2008, the government took steps to address commitments made in the 2007 Speech from the Throne, to improve the governance and management of the Employment Insurance Account.
My opening remarks will focus primarily on providing an overview of the proposed CEIFB Act which is contained in Part 7 of the Budget Implementation Act. Part 7 of the Budget Implementation Act contains three parts. First, there is the CEIFB Act which creates the new Crown corporation. Second, there are changes to the EI Act and, finally, there are the consequential amendments to the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act and the Financial Administration Act.
The CEIFB Act provides for the establishment of the CEIFB, a Crown corporation reporting through the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, with responsibility for implementing the budget 2008 announcement regarding the governance and management of the EI account.
Pursuant to this Act and amendments to the Employment Insurance Act, the CEIFB will be responsible for setting the EI premium rate under section 66 of the Employment Insurance Act; managing a separate bank account, where any excess EI revenues from a given year will be held and invested until they are used to reduce premium rates in subsequent years; and maintaining a cash reserve as a contingency fund in order to support relative premium rates stability within legislated parameters.
These changes are in keeping with the government's commitment to improving the management and governance of the EI account. As a small crown corporation working at arm's length from the government, the CEIFB will ensure independent decision-making regarding the setting of premium rates and will ensure that EI premiums are used exclusively for EI purposes. These changes will place the program on firm financial footing going forward and will ensure that it is well positioned to withstand changing economic conditions. The CEIFB will be accountable to Parliament via the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development and will report publicly on its activities and results.
The government will maintain its responsibility for EI benefits and program delivery. The CEIFB is not to conduct any business or activity inconsistent with its mandate, including in relation to benefits and other payments made under the Employment Insurance Act.
The CEIFB is to be governed by a board of seven directors, including a chairperson, appointed by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, who will hold office during good behaviour. A seven-member board of directors was deemed appropriate to accommodate the focused mandate and to fulfill the duties of the three CEIFB committees that are required to be established as described in the proposed CEIFB Act.
Candidates for appointment to the board will be identified by a three-member nominating committee comprising a chairperson appointed by the minister on the basis of merit, a commissioner of employers, and a commissioner of employees. Officers of the CEIFB specified in the legislation include the chief executive officer and the chief actuary. The planning, reporting, and financial management framework for the CEIFB builds upon relevant provisions from part X of the Financial Administration Act. The CEIFB Act will include additional and more specific provisions with regard to board committees, investments, financial management, and reporting.
The EI Act is being amended to implement the new rate-setting mechanism. This new rate-setting mechanism will take into account any surpluses or deficits that arise on a go-forward basis to ensure that program revenues balance with expenditures over time.
To that end, the legislation provides that the CEIFB set the premium rate for each year in order to generate just enough premium revenue during that year to cover expected payments, and to ensure that the CEIFB's reserve is maintained at its target level.
In setting the rate, the CEIFB is to take into account information provided by the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development Canada regarding past EI expenditures and forecasted changes to the program, and from the Minister of Finance regarding past revenues received and anticipated EI revenues and expenditures, as well as the most current forecasts of economic variables relevant to setting the rate. The board will also take into account any investment income earned, and other specified information, including information the CEIFB considers relevant.
The government will retain its authority to substitute a rate for the one set by the CEIFB if it judges it is in the public interest to do so.
Amendments to the Employment Insurance Act also provide for the establishment of a reserve through the transfer of $2 billion from the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF), to be indexed annually as prescribed by regulation. This $2 billion-amount takes into account different economic scenarios and assessments undertaken in conjunction with the employment insurance Chief Actuary. It was estimated that a cash reserve of this level would be adequate to offset cash shortfalls under the new rate-setting model resulting from a mild recession, such as the one experienced in 2001-2002.
Transactions related to EI will continue to be recorded in the EI account. EI premiums will continue to be collected by the Canada Revenue Agency through source deductions, transferred to the CRF and credited to the EI account.
In situations where EI revenues exceed EI benefit payments during the year, funds will be transferred from the CRF to the CEIFB's account, charged to the EI account and invested until they are used to reduce premium rates in subsequent years. In situations of revenue shortfalls, the difference would be covered through a transfer from the CEIFB's account to the CRF and credited to the EI account.
The legislation also provides for advances from the CRF in situations where the reserve is insufficient to cover EI benefit payments, with advances to be repaid in subsequent years using the premium rate-setting mechanism.
With the CEIFB taking on the responsibility for EI premium rate-setting, the EI Commission will retain its other responsibilities for supporting the EI appeal system, making regulations with the approval of the Governor in Council, and review and approval of policies related to program administration and delivery.
The EI Commission will continue to have an important role in the EI program that is complementary to the role of the CEIFB, and it will be given an ongoing mandate to continue the EI monitoring and assessment report as a permanent annual report.
In addition, the EI commissioner for workers and the EI commissioner for employers will be given new responsibilities as they become members of the nominating committee responsible for identifying and recommending qualified candidates for appointment to the CEIFB board of directors. This will ensure that business and labour play a role in selecting the most qualified individuals to manage decision-making concerning the financing of the EI program
The government's objective is to have the CEIFB running as soon as possible, preferably in time to set the 2009 EI premium rate using the new premium rate-setting mechanisms. The timing of the establishment of the CEIFB will be dependent on the passage of the relevant legislation. Should the CEIFB not be in a position to set the 2009 EI premium rate, the EI Commission will do so according to the existing legislation.
We would be pleased to answer any questions members may have regarding the proposed CEIFB, but first I'll let Yves speak