The challenge we have--and that's why we're talking about it in front of the group now--is that we had originally given this three meetings and we were trying to fit in witnesses. When we consolidated the list of witnesses, there was a recommendation of three witnesses from each party. So now you're suggesting something different from what you suggested in your letter to me on Friday, which was that one present and the others be there for questions.
I'm just throwing out to the committee that we can have more meetings on this if we want to, but once again, we are trying to determine what it is we want to do. We've certainly extended that and have given enough time for five groups to present. If we have six groups presenting.... Once again, I throw this out to you guys. There'll be more than six, because there'll be seven groups presenting. If that's what the committee wants, we'll cut down the presentations to five minutes each, which won't change that. We'll still go the two and a half hours, which gives everyone a chance to be able to make their presentation. If that's something you would like to look at, I'm throwing it out to you guys.
On the list right now are Mr. Lake, Mr. Martin, Ms. Yelich, and Mr. Savage. Why don't we start with Mr. Lake?