I understood that there seemed to be some denial of the $54 billion surplus. I have in front of me the Monitoring and Assessment Report submitted to Mr. Solberg by the Employment Insurance commission. It says: "Including notional interest of $2.0 billion, the notional cumulative surplus in the EI Account was reported to be $54.1 billion at March 31, 2007." Those are the official figures.
I know that Mr. Solberg appeared before this committee recently. What I understood, from listening to the sitting, is that he acknowledged the accumulated surplus and that they had been confiscated and siphoned off. He concluded his presentation by saying that this was not going to happen again. I am therefore somewhat surprised that the government could claim that this $54 billion did not really exist.
The Conservative Party was elected on January 30, 2006, if memory serves me. From April 1, 2006, to March 31, 2007, the Employment Insurance Account produced a surplus of $3 billion. Where is that $3 billion?