Thank you, Chair.
I'd be interested in a guesstimate, perhaps, about how long we think it might take to finish off the employability study. I'm not sure whether there's an opinion from staff on that.
I think it would be very important for this committee to have a look at the issue of poverty. It's an issue that our leader has made very prominent and that Mr. Martin has brought up here continually. I think we could do some work on poverty in pretty short order.
As a priority, and I don't think this would take more than maybe four or five meetings, I'd like to have the minister come to defend his estimates. If we could do that in a meeting or two or three, or whatever it takes, I think that should be a priority of this committee. We haven't heard from the minister since before the summer.
It would be my number one priority to hear from the minister, and then finish off employability and move into poverty.