Mr. Chairman, I think that we agree that we will have to study the situation of persons with disabilities, except that we have already presumed how we will be working on the poverty issue. Straight away, we said we would be doing a poverty study, and would deal with persons with disabilities as a separate issue. As for me, I am very concerned about the situation of Aboriginal persons. I, too, could now propose that we create a subcommittee to deal with Aboriginal persons, but this would again be presuming how we will be organizing our work on poverty.
I would like to ask our colleague Tony to refrain from presenting his motion, because it tends to convey the message that we do not want to take an interest in the fate of persons with disabilities, which is not the case. We just have to determine when we are going to deal with this topic. I think that he could present his motion again after the holidays if he has not found some room to deal with poverty in the work plan we will have established. We could all easily deal with poverty here or say that there are segments of the population that are more affected than others. This could be persons with disabilities, Aboriginal people and elderly people, particularly women. We could decide to set up two or three subcommittees. I do not know how we will be working on this, but I would ask our colleague not to present his motion right away and to wait and see how we are going to deal with the poverty issue. If we cannot find the room we need for his concern, which we all share, we could come back to his idea of a subcommittee.