One of the major challenges has been trying to work in a coordinated and integrated fashion--and that's coming from a member of the public service. It's difficult sometimes to work that way; we're used to working within our departmental silos.
It has been a challenge, and it has challenged the way we normally work, but it's been essential to the progress we've made that we try to take the perspective of those who are living in poverty and of what they need and how they need to be supported. This has been one of the major challenges we've faced.
Another challenge is in setting priorities and trying to also look at preventing as well as reducing and alleviating poverty and figuring out the right balance there. If we're not working to prevent poverty, then we'll be at reduction and alleviation forever.
Trying to ensure that we're following best practices and looking at what will really work for prevention has been another challenge, one where we've looked to other countries and also to our own past experience and at academic research to ensure that we're following best practices.
Those have been the major challenges.