I would, Minister. Thank you.
In terms of the goals of the poverty reduction strategy, one of the five key goals was an increased emphasis on early childhood development and its importance foundationally in terms of success at learning, success in employment, and success from a health perspective. I think that's been woven each year into the direction our working group and committees have taken as they bring forward initiatives for funding in each budget cycle. One of the initiatives funded this year, for example, was additional support to healthy baby clubs, which is a comprehensive, holistic approach to working with pregnant women and supporting them with food supplements, nutrition, and other aspects of issues related to lifestyle and support in pregnancy. So these kinds of very early childhood development supports are interwoven.
Also, government has developed a 10-year early learning and child care strategy to increase focus on spaces and increase options for child care, particularly in rural areas of our province, where there are very few options for child care.
So the poverty reduction strategy is not working in isolation. There are other strategies across government that are working together. But I'm very pleased to see that one of the five goals of the strategy is embedded in supporting early childhood development.