As one of the things we've done to ensure that there is no overlap or duplication in the best practices or initiatives brought forward, the working group we have is very well linked within their own departments to other strategies. But government also has other strategies--in the area of mental health and addictions, in the area of wellness, in the area of seniors and aging. What we're trying to do is integrate that work, such that indicators are joint indicators, so that we're not duplicating effort.
More than 60 initiatives have been funded under the poverty reduction strategy, and we're developing tracking tools for implementation and accountabilities to monitor these, so that we can shift.
Another thing that ministers and deputy ministers involved with the poverty reduction strategy have done this year is focus on where we can integrate. What are the priority areas we need to do research in and to work on in terms of integration? A couple of those examples are in the areas of transportation and of complex shared clients across our systems, on which this year we're going to do some joint work into research and best practices, so that next year we can bring together a suite of initiatives that can better reflect it again, in order that we build on best practice, don't duplicate, and bring together this integrated approach.