Thanks, everyone.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), we will continue our study on the federal contribution to reducing poverty in Canada.
I want to take this time to thank our witnesses for being patient. As you may be aware, we had a couple of votes in the House, and we've just finished those off.
I'd like to welcome, from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Honourable Shawn Skinner, Minister, Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment . Minister, welcome. We're looking forward to hearing what you have to say today. We also have Lynn Vivian-Book, the assistant deputy minister of income, employment and youth services; and we have Aisling Gogan, director, poverty reduction strategy division.
I would like to welcome everybody. I apologize if I got your names a little bit wrong. You'll correct me, I'm sure, as we move forward.
I understand, Minister, that you and then one of your officials will be presenting for 10 minutes apiece. We ask you not to race through your presentation too fast for our translators. They need to keep up as we move along.
I will turn it over to you guys, so take it away.