What I hear you saying is that a national initiative could run parallel to a provincial initiative, be complementary, and work in that way.
One of the comments you made in your presentation this afternoon was that you didn't spend a whole lot of time trying to come up with ways to measure poverty, progress, and those kinds of things. We had a discussion around this table that it is probably important that we all have some understanding of a clear measurement of some sort and, out of that, implement programs or launch a strategy so we're able to measure progress. You're saying we need to get on with this, and I've been saying that for years myself. We've spent the last 10 or 15 years in an intellectual exercise of trying to define poverty and not really doing much about it. But you're saying that in Newfoundland and Labrador you've decided to just get on with it.
If we were to launch a national strategy that was somehow complementary to your own, how important would it be for us to agree on some definition and measurement?