First of all, in very general terms, I suppose we learn from our experience and from the experience abroad what are the various changes needed in terms of child development. The concentration is clearly on child care, but good quality child care, particularly if there are problems with low parental education, or whatever.
One of the key phases in a child's life is the very earliest phase, in terms of their capacity later on to be successful in school and employment, and so on. That's generally accepted. So it's child care and early childhood education, and whatever. Then, of course, you need to support the family with income support and other supports, such as parenting, and so on.
So those, if you like, are the supports. But in trying to track that.... And I know you have this in Canada as well, as we've learned a lot from your longitudinal surveys and studies, and so on, which have enabled you to track child development and the impact of various influences.
My colleague Tim's institute is involved in that, so I might ask him to respond to that, and also on the consistent poverty measure.