Just to come back, although it's not entirely related to your question, we have a similar study going on with older people as well. The aim is to try to, again, track their development and see what were the various influences that had an impact on them, both positively and negatively.
In terms of the term “consistent poverty”, we understand what it means, but it's not an immediately understandable term certainly to people not from Ireland. I think you may have mentioned “persistent poverty”. Persistent poverty clearly would be poverty that continues over a period. Consistent poverty is really basic poverty, people who are lacking in goods and services that are reckoned to be basic necessities of life in the country.
We will send on a list of those to you, but that's what it is. It's essentially people who are really suffering basic deprivation. It serves to highlight or it enables us to prioritize what our policy measures should be. People often say it's harder to deal with relative poverty, but actually, it's harder to deal with basic poverty, because you're dealing with a diverse group of people with very fundamental needs. That's the priority we've set ourselves.