In terms of the change in target, I suppose when the targets were set initially it demonstrated that we didn't really fully understand the level of poverty there was, the level of basic poverty. Then when we got up-to-date figures a few years later, we discovered, actually, that we'd made a lot more progress than we had realized.
As I mentioned, there was a lot more prosperity in Ireland, so we felt we could be more ambitious in setting targets to try to reduce poverty. In fact, we were going to eliminate it by 2007. But then, unfortunately for us, from a policy perspective, a new way of measuring poverty was introduced with this EU survey we mentioned. That showed, using different methods, that the level of consistent poverty was actually higher than we had previously believed it to be. So we had a topsy-turvy type of experience in relation to that. But we're now satisfied, clearly, that there's a solid basis, because it's the basis that's used EU-wide. Therefore, in light of that, we set new targets, which to some extent were higher than they had been before, but which were solidly based on a new way of measuring it.
In terms of how we're going to achieve this, from these surveys we know who the groups are that are experiencing basic poverty. We know who are vulnerable and we know why they're vulnerable. Therefore, the whole strategy is designed to target the needs of those people. A major group of them would be families with children, particularly lone parents but also larger families. As far as we're concerned, we look across to other countries that are much more successful in this regard, and we know they tackled it through putting in proper child care, education, training--all the methods I described earlier.
We know there are also long-term unemployed, a small group but still sizeable enough, and the same process is involved there. We have mentioned that we will take older people out of poverty by substantially increasing basic pensions. Then we'll tackle smaller groups, such as the homeless, such as people who were formally institutionalized, such as people who suffering from addiction to drugs, alcohol, and so on.
Migrants are a new and key priority, people who come from other countries. We're trying to ensure that they're integrated, that they're not ghettoized. We try to learn from perhaps mistakes that other European countries made, because of the fact that clearly we have learned how to deal with it.
So these are just examples of how....