You could argue that there's been an increase in crime for different reasons. A lot of crime in Ireland is related to drugs and drug trafficking, drug addiction and whatever, and there's been a significant increase in that in Ireland. That has helped to increase, perhaps, more serious crime than would have been the case in the past. And that's key. Clearly, to some extent there's a basis for that in poverty. There are certain areas of extreme disadvantage still, and drugs and drug addiction and drug trafficking are very much part and parcel of these areas.
I suppose in many respects some forms of crime would have been reduced because more people are in employment and better off. But that type of crime, unfortunately, has increased.
In addition to that, there's a much greater availability of firearms and more of that type of serious crime, which maybe wouldn't have been the case in a simpler past in Ireland. But it is there today, like in a lot of other developed countries.