Thank you very much.
I have just one other question for this round. I understand now, more fully, the dynamic at the top level, the national level, and even the European Union's insistence that this happen, and the new charter that, hopefully, will be approved today by Ireland, but how do you get this down to the ground level, to actually work out in the communities? You have urban and rural considerations to bring into play here, and in Canada we have an interesting challenge in that we have a federal government, we have provincial governments, and then we have municipal governments, and the thing is to get the good thinking at the top to work its way down so that programs on the ground actually work.
You mentioned at one point the idea of community development as an approach to capturing some of the perhaps difficult to serve or consistent levels of poverty. Maybe you could talk to us for a few minutes on how you make this happen at the local level and maybe develop further this notion of community development.