Let me first of all say, in response to your general remarks, that I agree that one of the best ways to help people who face these challenges or who come out of very tough situations is to provide a pathway to a job that very often gives them responsibility and attention that maybe they haven't ever received before. That can only be a good thing, so in general I completely agree with you.
I don't know how to say it, except to say that many of you have forcefully made your point about criteria, and I hear your message on this. Our job is to strike a balance between making sure students have the best possible job options and making sure groups that are doing a tremendous amount of good in their individual communities can hire students to fill those positions and do those jobs.
I suspect that maybe we erred a bit too much on the side of putting an emphasis on helping students who were in trouble in certain ways so that they could get those jobs. That's a solid criticism, and we'll take that into account. But I can guarantee you that our goal is exactly the same as yours: to make sure we get people into jobs. It's the best possible way to help them make the journey from dependence to independence and on to success.