Yes, you can.
Let me just clarify one thing you said. This strategy lifts the standard of living, the income, of all kids living in poverty. All kids living in poverty will be significantly better off as a result of these initiatives. Twenty-five percent of them will be lifted out of poverty altogether. We're not just choosing 25% of all kids living in poverty. All kids will be better off, 25% up and out of poverty altogether.
Could we do more with more money? Absolutely. We could solve it tomorrow if we chose to put those initiatives there, but we live within the world of the achievable. We think we can do this. Would we like to have done more? Absolutely.
The initial focus on children, as I said earlier, was because we knew that was where the biggest return on investment was. We are undertaking to take steps—and have already done some, but are committed to doing more—that will help all people living in poverty.
People with disabilities are a good example. A lot of people with disabilities have an ability to work, maybe not full time, maybe not for the full year, but to supplement their income with earnings. It's about more than the paycheque, right? There's a degree of engagement in their community that comes with a job.
So we're really working hard to reduce the barriers for people with disabilities to enter employment. We've changed the rules quite significantly, so that there are now financial incentives to work. Some will argue we could do more. We want to listen and continue to work on that.
We also need to get more employers opening up their workplaces to people with disabilities. I can tell you that in my constituency office I have hired a woman with a disability, although she has far, far, far more ability than she has disability. She's 60 years old. She has never worked in her life until she started working with me. She is doing a wonderful job. By her own choice, she is only working a few hours a week, one morning a week. It's great for everybody in the office; it's great for my constituents; it's good for her. More employers—and all of you are employers—should think about taking on someone with a disability, at least on a part-time basis.
So we will continue to improve that—