I'm really glad you mentioned the term “social infrastructure”, because there has been lots of talk in recent weeks about investing in infrastructure. Usually when we talk about infrastructure, we think of bridges and concrete and all kinds of buildings that we need to fix and repair—which is fine; we don't want bridges to fall. But it's good to keep in mind that some infrastructure is social, and a good school is not only a school that has a roof that doesn't leak but is a school that also has good professors and resources for kids and so on. So an investment in social infrastructure is just as beneficial.
As far as the role of Ottawa is concerned, in a way that's your task: to identify what would be a good priorities strategy. I think the first thing would be to make poverty a priority. That would already be very beneficial.
I would start from revenues, especially going over the.... Well, we talked about employment insurance, but also the fiscal system. There has been a lot of effort in recent years to reduce income taxes, but these efforts have not been made in consideration of what happens to people who are at the bottom of the income scale. So that would be important.
And of course, as I mentioned earlier, the situation of poverty among first nations has to be a major preoccupation for the federal government.