Thank you very much.
Thanks for being here today.
I was particularly impressed, initially, with the comments you made about making sure that we lift everybody out of poverty. And you're noting that when you target your programs to all families, you tend to do that. You also mentioned the federal success, for seniors, of the Canada Pension Plan, the OAS, and the GIS and how they have lifted a lot of people out of poverty.
We had Ontario before us last weekend, and they've set themselves some interesting targets. I find them very narrow, though. They're going to lift 25% of children out of poverty in five years. But what about the other 75%, and what about the rest of the population that is living in poverty?
In terms of that and of what you shared with us today, what lessons have been learned thus far in implementing the strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Quebec anti-poverty strategy?