Thank you very much for this opportunity to share in the important work you're doing at this committee.
I want to start by saying how much we appreciate that this committee has taken up this study. We wish you all the best.
There are more than one billion people who live on less than a dollar a day, and half of the world's population are living on less than two dollars a day. There are more than three million Canadians living in poverty. Depending on what measure you use, between 10.5% and 11.9% of Canadians are poor. One in four first nations children live in poverty, and the unemployment rate in first nations communities is four times the national average.
It doesn't have to be this way. Collectively we now have the resources, the technology, and the knowledge necessary to end poverty, both globally and here at home. We need a plan to make poverty history, both globally and in Canada--and for aboriginal peoples.
There is a global plan to reduce extreme poverty, by the year 2015, by half. It's called the “millennium development goals”.
Where there are democratic governments in place that have made this a priority, where debts have been cancelled, and where efficient aid is available, progress is being made. Even though it is now being threatened by the global economic crisis and by climate change, and we're in danger of reversing that progress, the evidence is there that implementing a plan where you have goals and timetables can work.
I believe success in domestic poverty reduction also requires that we have a plan with a legislated mandate, targets, and timetables. That is why from the time of its inception in 2005, the Make Poverty History campaign in Canada has been calling for the federal government to involve groups where poverty is predominant, such as aboriginal people, women, minorities, and youth, in the design and implementation of a domestic poverty reduction strategy.
The governments of Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and most recently Nova Scotia, which represent a whole range of political parties and ideologies, have taken the lead in developing comprehensive poverty reduction strategies. Significant progress in reducing poverty is already evident in Quebec and Newfoundland.
Provincial governments do not have jurisdiction over all the policy tools required to reduce and eventually eradicate poverty. That is why governments, at all levels, including federal, provincial, territorial, municipal, and aboriginal, need to be engaged. But leadership from the federal government is needed to engage all levels of government in the development of a comprehensive poverty reduction strategy for all of Canada.
Poverty reduction strategies need to include a wide range of social and economic policies, including community economic development and job creation strategies, education and training programs, tax policies, as well as improvements to social programs. The point is that it's not just social programs or welfare; a whole range of measures are necessary.
Some of the things the federal government can do include raising the child tax benefit to $5,100 per child; implementing a national housing strategy; implementing a national child care and early childhood education program; improving the employment insurance program, which is very urgent--and Armine will say more about that in a minute; reinstating a federal minimum wage and setting it at an above-the-poverty-line level; ensuring a greater role for non-profit organizations, social enterprises, and cooperatives in economic development and job creation; creating a national pharmacare plan; implementing the Kelowna accord or a comparable plan to narrow the living gap between aboriginal people and the rest of Canada; increasing the guaranteed income supplement; and creating a poverty reduction fund to support provincial initiatives.
Investment in poverty reduction and supporting participation in the labour market through positive incentives will yield many economic and social benefits, including boosting productivity, improving population health, lowering the costs of health care, reducing crime and the costs of incarceration, and boosting the labour market supply to help address the labour shortages that could arise down the road as a result of an aging workforce.
Finally, I want to say a few things about the tax system and what it can and cannot do in terms of helping to make poverty history.
While there are some tax measures that can be a useful part of a poverty reduction strategy, tax measures on their own are not a very effective way of achieving poverty reduction. Tax measures can be a component. Some good examples would be the working income tax benefit, which has been in the last couple of budgets. That's a good thing, but a word of caution: it doesn't fully deal with the cost of moving off welfare and taking a job in the low-income sector. It would be much better to also have a national pharmacare plan, because that's one of the major barriers to people moving off welfare, especially people who need prescription drugs. The Newfoundland government, for example, invested in a pharmacare plan as a way to reduce the barriers for people moving off welfare. Ultimately, they have lowered their costs because they have fewer people left on welfare. So that's a smart strategy.
Similarly, if we don't have an above-the-poverty-line minimum wage, a working income tax benefit can actually just subsidize inadequate levels of income.
Tax measures need to be designed very carefully if they are to contribute to poverty reduction goals. A good case in point is the difference between the child tax benefit and the child tax credit. The child tax credit, announced in the 2007 budget, while providing a modest benefit to families with children who had taxable income, did absolutely nothing for the poorest children whose families have no taxable income at all. It will cost about $1.5 billion a year when fully implemented. It would have been far better to have applied this funding to improving the Canada child tax benefit and the national child benefit supplement, which do provide assistance to a broad range of families. But it provides more benefit to those in greatest need, including those with no taxable income.
I just want to add to that. Did you know that if you experienced poverty as a child, even if later in life you escape poverty, that is more of a predictor of heart disease than whether you smoke or not? Child poverty is an urgent need to really address that scourge, because it has long-term implications.
Finally, I would conclude that tax cuts are generally not a good way to reduce poverty because often tax cuts are unfair. Much more of the benefits of tax cuts in the last few years have gone to the rich. In fact, in the 2006 budget the tax cuts were 12 times as much of a benefit for families with an income of over $100,000 a year than for those with an income of $15,000 a year.
Tax cuts are also often ineffective. Not many child care spaces were created as a result of the child care spaces initiative in the 2006 budget, and RESPs and RRSPs do not work so well in terms of the goal if the goal is to make education more accessible or reduce seniors' poverty.
Finally, tax cuts reduce the options by reducing the amount of money the government has available to invest in social programs and economic stimulation programs that would have a more direct and effective result.
Thank you very much.