Yes, I would. I'll point you to a resource of articles that I've written in a newspaper in Halifax called “Touch BASE”. I will try to provide those articles directly to you. I'd also point to this chart in our presentation on facts and figures.
In essence, 50% of Canadians have no financial resources and no income-generating resources. They don't own land, they don't have interest-bearing accounts, they don't own stocks and shares. So it's no wonder--I speak as an immigrant, because I am an immigrant to this country--that something like one-third of new immigrants who come to Canada with their hearts set on making a new life in this country go home.
I've come here from the east end of Toronto, Ms. Minna's riding, but bluntly, immigrants can't afford to live here. This is my last gamble, in Ottawa. I can't afford to live in Canada. I came to Ottawa because as an immigrant we couldn't afford to live in Toronto.
Thank you.