I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I can tell you that many Canadians who have worked hours and hours to try to sustain their families are paying too much tax, in their view, because of the government tax-and-spend mentality. And saving them some of those taxes so that they spend is creating jobs right across the country. It may even affect your job. So there are two sides to that coin.
I appreciate what you're saying, but you have to remember that many Canadian taxpayers are tired of governments continuing to raise taxes and spending them somewhere else. What they want to see is frugal spending, meeting the needs of those that need to be met, doing the best they can with the dollars they do have, and not wasting them on various types of programs that aren't meeting the needs. As Mr. Howlett said, you have to use those funds you do have in a strategic and targeted way, because you do have a limited amount of sources; it's not unlimited.