Thank you very much.
Thank you for being here today.
We receive so much information all at once. I will begin by saying that I am very pleased to have heard you say that housing should be a priority. There are at present various federal housing programs targeting, among other things, homelessness. You even stated that housing is one thing, especially when dealing with homelessness and those people suffering from mental illness, butt that all of the support that goes hand in hand with housing is equally essential.
In my community, there are several organizations that work with the homeless. You can have the most wonderful federal housing program, but if the street workers, the psychologists, the resource persons who support those people were not there, these programs would not succeed. We would not be able to save those homeless people who, often, are not ready, from one day to the next, to go and live in an apartment. I consider this to be important.
In your document, I was impressed to see that 70% of adults develop a mental illness before or at the age of 18 years. You therefore are giving priority to children and adolescents. Congratulations! This is a matter of prevention and I would like to hear you speak more about this. In terms of prevention, how might we reach out to children and adolescents?