Given your comment, I'm going to ask Mike Pietrus to comment on the anti-stigma program. Ideally, I suppose, if you told me that we could put money into only one segment of the population, I would put it into children, and I would put it into children for two reasons. One, you would stop the problem when they become old, you would get it early; and secondly—and this is an amazing comment—only one in six, only 17%, of Canadian children who need professional help get it. There's no other part of the health care system in which 84% could not be served without there being an outcry. Part of that...and this leads to the stigma thing that I want Mike Pietrus to comment on. This will amaze you: 40% of Canadian parents, that's two out of every five sets of parents, would not tell anybody if their child had a mental illness. They would be too embarrassed by it. So 40% are not going to get help because their parents aren't going to look for it. And then there are another 40% who don't get served because we don't have a way to serve them.
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