Thank you very much.
A commission reported in mid-October of 2006, and that commission itself had a total cost of $4.4 million. In terms of the public consultations we've been doing to date, we've incurred costs of $21,000, and those are merely due to translation and printing costs.
In terms of the key challenges to modernizing the federal labour standards, you can imagine there have been profound changes to labour markets since 1965, so a number of stakeholders would like to make amendments and see some changes. I think what we want to focus on most, though, is to make sure that any amendments we do introduce will really help our federal employees in their efforts to run efficient businesses and effectively deploy workforces in these changing market conditions. We need to make sure our labour standards support flexible workplaces. They reflect contemporary labour markets, of course, the structures and the positions companies are in to compete in what is now a globalized economy, as opposed to that of 1965.
We also want to continue to make sure our employees in the federal jurisdiction have good work environments and can engage in productive paid work. At the same time, we have to think about how their lives have changed as well, balancing family and civic responsibilities.
So there are a number of key challenges, but we also have a number of willing stakeholders who have thought about this issue for a very long time and are working with us on amendments.
In terms of non-compliance with the Canada Labour Code and whether or not that's a major issue, it's really difficult to quantify how serious the problem of non-compliance is, because for every case of non-compliance that's reported by a worker, we also identify those within our own inspection efforts. So based on our experience so far in the field, we feel that generally speaking federal labour standards are well respected, but I believe we can do more, specifically in the area of education to make employers and employees aware of their responsibilities and rights. Often that's really what it gets down to. Employees may not know what their rights are and employers may not understand their obligations under the Canada Labour Code.
What we've been trying to do more than anything is to have proactive educational efforts to balance against this need to also investigate labour standards complaints.