We wish to highlight our key area of concern and proposed courses of action for your immediate consideration.
We recommend that the Government of Canada initiate concerted efforts to develop a joint strategy on poverty with the provincial and territorial governments and first nations to meet the needs of Canadians with disabilities.
Within this comprehensive strategy and investment on disability and poverty, we suggest that the federal government does the following: change the disability tax credit from a non-refundable tax credit to a refundable tax credit; continue federal investment in the federal-provincial housing agreements; ensure that housing units where federal investment is made include at least 15% of units that are universally designed; and expand the contribution limit to the registered disability savings plan, increasing the age limit of this same plan.
Further initiatives under the above objectives may include enhanced service delivery, policy reform proposals, research promotion of best practices in new service delivery models, capacity building, and knowledge sharing and dissemination. Initiatives supported will have outcomes that either address federal responsibilities or have federal significance.
We believe this action plan can help us collaborate with the governmental, non-governmental, and private sector to create an inclusive Canada that lifts persons with disabilities out of poverty. Together we can succeed in the removal of barriers and promotion of the full and equal participation of Canadians with disabilities.
Before I conclude, we would like to acknowledge our profound appreciation for the ongoing funding that we receive from the Office for Disability Issues in order to assist Canadians with a spinal cord injury.
We would again like to thank the committee for bringing together stakeholders working to alleviate poverty and improve the lives of Canadians with a spinal cord injury and other disabilities.
In conclusion, we welcome you, after question period, to come outside to Centre Block to cheer on the members of Parliament who are taking part in our awareness event--Mr. Savage, Ms. Minna, Mr. Martin, and Ms. Cadman--as they take part in friendly wheelchair races against one another and other members of Parliament.
Thank you very much.