Some men who have stayed at our shelter have children. The unfortunate part is that their children cannot stay with them at our shelter, so they're often separated. If the mother's in the picture, children stay with the mom and they go to the women's shelter, or they have long since departed from their family, amidst other crises. We do have a number of men with children. The support that we would provide for them is mainly an emotional support, and children are a very powerful motivator for the men in our shelter. They do not want to be deadbeat dads. Often, if I talk to them long enough, I find out a bit about their dads, and they don't want to be dads like their dads.
We would love to be able to work in a more integrated fashion to provide better family supports. I'm very encouraged that in other jurisdictions there's a lot of talk and even some initial stuff about family shelters. We would need that here too.