Yes, the percentage that's listed there is 50%. But we have a difficulty in that whether or not a person is diagnosed becomes a critical part of whether or not that would necessarily get listed. In terms of self-reporting, they're often hiding it due to stigma. But when we think about functioning on an everyday level, interacting in relationships, most of the guys we're seeing at the shelter for men are definitely experiencing some mental health problem.
Just logically, if you think about your life and going into a shelter and the circumstances surrounding that, it would be very hard to avoid depression and, after a while, very hard to avoid anti-social personality kinds of things, just because of the nature of what happens and the unofficial codes of the street that people interact under. Those things are very difficult for people to understand, I think, if they haven't walked in those shoes.
So I would say that we probably have well over 95%, if not 100%, of people who are experiencing some sort of mental health issue.