One of the things I think we'd be being very remiss if we did not touch on before our time is up is just the absence of appropriate housing stock in Canada. I think in some ways it could or should be stimulus-tied. When we were at our peak in the eighties, we were developing 25,000 units, or thereabouts, of supportive housing stock through a national housing strategy and in connection with CMHC on an annual basis. In the early nineties that program was truncated, as I'm sure you're all aware, and by 2002 we were down to fewer than 5,000 new units a year, and we've yet to recover from that in any substantive way.
Part of this issue is that in the absence of affordable, appropriate, well-placed housing stock in a mixed market—not in some of the ways in which we've done housing in the past—and in the absence of a national housing strategy, we're going to continue to have these discussions around tables like this and we're going to continue to struggle about what our steps forward are. And we see it play out, especially when we talk about women who are single parents and have children they're doing everything in their power to care for. A housing-first perspective is essential, I think, in this discussion.