I tend to side with Oliver Wendell Holmes: I don't mind paying taxes because with them “I buy civilization”.
The problem is that we've moved to a culture in which there is a focus just on tax cuts and the elimination of government services. Unless political leaders start talking about and bringing forward other voices, voices other than those interests that radically profess that the supply side is going to be the salvation for all of us, then no, there is no hope, not unless politicians do that.
All you have to do is look at the situation in the United States right now and listen to the leading economic voices. They no longer stand alongside supply-side economics. That's part of the reality we're facing. What has brought us here is the collapse of supply-side economics, which has led to a crash in the market that has cost something like $3 trillion and has brought us back how many years...I believe it's over a decade in terms of market value.