Obviously, Mr. McKenna was a firm believer in creating jobs; some would say he was obsessed by that. The prime focus of his 10 years as premier was to create jobs and to use new technologies to take us out of the traditional industries.
I live in a small community of lobster fishermen. These are not really good times there right now. When I wake up in the morning in my village of Cap-Pelé, I see Jamaicans walk by my house to go to the fish plants, because it's not possible to find people in this Acadian village of Cap-Pelé to work in the fish plants. Many of them are working in call centres in Moncton.
Moncton, because of its bilingual nature, its access to a bilingual workforce, and despite our issues with illiteracy and all of that, I think has been able to transform itself. It's not true for every community in New Brunswick. Our unemployment rate is still way too high, but obviously the message of hope, as we found out from our cousins to the south, carries very strongly; it's the little train that can. It compels people to do things, so the business community in Moncton, the municipal leadership, and the provincial leadership through Mr. McKenna that was carried on through Mr. Lord and now through Premier Graham, has decided we can accomplish things. Just because in the end shops can't continue to survive in Moncton that we.... Now here we are, we've come full circle. A local businessman just got a $100 million contract to refurbish VIA railcars here in Moncton. It was announced last week.
I think a positive attitude, knowing that we can do things if we're obsessed by it, if we're really determined, but that we need to carry people with us.... That's why he said “the best social program is employment”.
What concerns me is when I look at the government in this race to the bottom, because New Brunswick is absolutely determined to have the lowest tax rates in Canada, but I'm absolutely certain that another province will want the lowest tax rate in Canada. If we don't maintain the balance we need to have and enough flexibility and resources to make.... We'll always have sick people. We'll always have handicapped people. We'll never abolish car accidents and we'll have people in wheelchairs. If we don't find a way to get the balance so that every member of society can feel included, then we won't succeed as a society. I'm convinced of that.
I think it's possible, with the right attitude and the right efforts, but we can never lose sight that we need to bring everybody with us.