That's definitely one of the themes we've had, the coupling of ideas and thoughts.
I have just one last thought to Phyllis on the student loans. Along with Mr. Savage, I was very surprised that it was the number one issue. Again, you can only report on what you hear.
We talk about literacy. I feel that financial literacy is one of the areas where the least amount of education is provided to our students, especially for someone who's never had any debt and is coming out of university with, say, $30,000 worth of debt.
We did some debt counselling for some of our employees and young graduates. You would be surprised and amazed at the number of young graduates who end school with a debt of $30,000-plus, but who, the very first thing, go out and buy a new or nearly new vehicle. When the debt repayment starts to kick in, they have no idea how to pay for what they owe.
One suggestion I would have is that the minute they graduate, if we haven't educated them at all, the last thing we should do before they venture off into this world is provide them with an idea of how to budget.