In cases of psychological harassment, the complainant has not necessarily quit his job. But it does cause a rupture in the working relationship, or, then again, the person may have to go on medical leave.
In general, the crisis has an impact on workers. At our information service, we have noticed an increase in appeals from people who have been laid off, and we are there to defend them. Often, people call us and challenge their termination. What I am going to tell you are my impressions, really. Sometimes, we feel that the crisis may give some employers an excuse to lay off employees. We also see people being laid off who have been working at the same place for 20 years or so. Or an employer tries to hire younger workers that he can pay less than a person who has 20 years of continuous service with him.
In some cases, the crisis lets employers fire people without calling it that. We sense that in the calls we receive.