First of all, let me say that I am delighted to be here, and it is nice to have this chance to have some open and constructive conversation. When we did our consultations across the country, we heard from a lot of people, and they said they wanted to have a longer term of benefits. They were concerned that with this worsening global recession, the current system wouldn't last them long enough. That's why we've added five weeks on top of the regular benefits for those who need it the most, because we believe that will help more people who are more in need.
In terms of access, the way the system is designed, it automatically adjusts as conditions get worse on a regional basis. The country is divided into 58 regions, and the employment conditions in each of those regions are monitored monthly. As the conditions change, the access becomes greater. If the conditions worsen, access becomes easier and the benefits occur longer. That's something that's automatically built into the system. We've seen some great examples of that lately, as to how it is working for Canadians.