Calvin and I will do a bit of a Frick and Frack here.
Certainly in my experience at the elementary level, I'd give credit to some of the banks and credit unions. They have some excellent programs with which you can supplement your math programs, some of those kinds of things. I know at the high school level a lot of the banks have programs and will have speakers in.
Part of the challenge with kids is that while you're teaching the hormones are racing, so they're not necessarily focused on what you'd like them to do. But I do know there are some tremendous programs out there. A lot of the programs that ministries of education are looking at are whether these are actually practical programs and skill-based programs. There's more of a look from the ministries of education across the country to get skill-based things. Certainly we don't have enough of those skills. When you talk about the debt load that some of the kids have, even out of secondary school, it's absolutely incredible what they're doing with money and their whole understanding of it. We need to do a lot more.
Calvin, I know you have some experience in Alberta.