I just wanted to go to Mr. Galabuzi for a moment, very quickly.
In your presentation, you were talking about desegregated data. Earlier, others mentioned the importance of collecting it. You had some other recommendations. One in particular was to calculate the default costs of doing nothing. That's an interesting way of looking at it. I think it goes back to what Mr. Campey said earlier. I don't think we've ever done that. I'm not quite sure how you would go about it, but I'm sure that economists would figure out a way to do it for us.
Do you know if there have been any studies or work done to date, maybe not on the overall thing but on specific initiatives, on the default costs? That's number one. That might be for all the witnesses, including COSTI, because I know you do this work.
Number two, one of the things we hear about constantly is a lack of data and that desegregated data isn't as easily accessible. I'm not sure if I agree with that, but I wonder if some of you might know or might have done research and would be able to tell us whether in fact it's much more accessible than we like to think.