I'd be happy to speak to this measure.
This, as I mentioned, is going to be implemented in association with the current labour market agreements that we have with the provinces and territories, through which there's an annual transfer of funding to deliver programming that was essentially targeted at the non-EI-eligible population. There was perceived to be a need that wasn't being met by the requirements of employment insurance funding for training, so the labour market agreements were introduced to broaden the eligibility.
What this budget measure does is create an additional temporary fund for a period of two years. It won't have a completely different mechanism around it; it will ride on top of, if you will, the labour market agreements for purposes of administration and to expedite its implementation. But it will be available with a greater degree of flexibility as to who is eligible to use it. It won't have the limitations of either the current labour market agreements or the EI funding, so it will be a flexible instrument for a limited time period for provinces to meet the needs of particular communities and individuals.