I would be happy to talk about the work sharing program.
The work sharing program was announced. What we did was provide more flexibility. We did two things. We allowed the employers to basically have work sharing for a longer period of time, by providing them with an additional 14 weeks. So instead of 38 weeks, they would now be allowed to go to 52 weeks. We've also allowed them more flexibility in terms of the recovery plan, therefore allowing them more latitude to be able to qualify, so to speak.
We're very happy. As you've said, the uptake has been tremendous. It's a sign, I guess, of what's going on. What I would say is that the work sharing program is doing what it's supposed to do in this economy. It's basically helping employers who are facing temporary issues within their companies to be able to keep their skilled and trained workers while they're going through these tough economic times.
The uptake has been tremendous. Over the last four months, applications have been coming in. It has been very popular from that perspective. We presently have about 120,000 workers participating and approximately 3,500 agreements across the country.